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RDC (Radionuclide Drug Conjugate) is a novel concept of bioconjugation radiopharmaceutical with multiple utilizations according to the two essential functional components, including radionuclide and targeting vector, which contains antibody, small molecule, and peptide.

With years of experience in RDC development and analysis studies and top-notched platforms, Alfa Cytology has the capability to provide cost-effective and professional RDC-related services for worldwide clients to support RDC research projects.

RDC consists of four crucial parts, such as radioactive particle, chelator, linker, and targeting molecule. The radionuclide particle is the functional component that emits radioactive beams and plays an important role in clinical diagnosis and treatment. The chelator and linker are the keys to mediate the kinetics and stability of RDC. In addition, the targeting vector works as a delivery vehicle to drive RDC to the diseased tissue.

Following RDC designing and conjugation, the analysis for RDC, both in vitro and in vivo, is urgently required for quality control and drug characterization.

RDC In Vitro Analysis Service

RDC In Vivo Analysis Service

Project Workflow

Project Workflow

Why Choose Us

Radioactive icons.

Focused on RDC research for decades, Alfa Cytology is capable to provide high-quality and cost-effective RDC-related services for your special RDC project with the best scheme design.

Conical bottle icon.

Alfa Cytology can provide all kinds of services through the whole RDC development process, including RDC development and analysis services according to your interests and lateral RDC analysis services.

Microscope icon.

With an experienced research team and top-notched equipment, Alfa Cytology enable seamless scaling of RDC products from drug production to preclinical development. Collaborate across functional teams to promote your RDC development.

Alfa Cytology can provide premium quality and cost-effective RDC-related services, such as RDC development services and RDC analysis services. We are honored to share our experience and technology with you. Please contact us for more information.

For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.








  • Please note that we are not a pharmacy or clinic, so we are unable to see patients and do not offer diagnostic and treatment services for individuals.
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