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RDC for Drug Development

RDC (Radionuclide Drug Conjugate) is often used for TAT (Targeted Alpha-Particle Therapy) to significantly damage tumor cells by the high LET (Linear Energy Transfer) and short range of alpha particles in targeted diseased tissue while causing minimal toxicity to surrounding healthy cells.

Principles of RDC Radiation Therapy

Even though all cellular organic molecules are subject to damage by radionuclides, the genomic DNA molecules are considered to be the critical targets for the biological effects of radionuclides, as the damaged but repaired DNA in tumor cells can result in the genetic mutations that can affect normal cellular function and viability.

Radioactive particles interact with DNA in two ways. One is directly transferring energy to the biological material, the other is indirectly by creating reactive free radicals from the radiolysis of water. Both ways can lead to damage to the structure of DNA by broken covalent bonds.

Traditional Radiotherapy

Radiotherapy is the principal curative treatment method for some malignant tumors and an assistant therapy approach for benign tumors, with more than 50% utilization for patients with cancers. The radiation beams can kill both cancer cells and normal cells leading to toxicity, even though the precise modern radiotherapy techniques, such as intensity-modulated radiotherapy, can partially reduce the toxicity to normal tissue.

Different from traditional therapy which is based on more sensitive to radiation damage to tumor cells, RDC can generate cytotoxicity precisely at the tumor cells.

RDC Development for Cancer Treatment

RDC is an effective anti-cancer drug composed of four essential parts, including a radionuclide, a chelator, a linker, and a targeting molecule. According to the difference in the radioactive beam emitted by the radionuclide, RDC could be divided into two categories for different clinical uses, including drug development for therapy and diagnostic imaging. As a novel anti-cancer therapy strategy, the development of RDC with clinical use has made great progress. A variety of RDC is now applied in cancer treatment.

Illustration of cancer dissemination.

  • RDC Development for Hematologic Cancer
  • RDC (Radionuclide Drug Conjugates) is applied as a novel anti-cancer therapy strategy, the development of RDC with clinical use has made great progress. A variety of RDC is now applied in hematologic cancer treatment. In contrast to solid cancers, which often require genetic modifications and complex cellular reprogramming for effective metastatic dissemination, hematologic cancer cells uniquely possess the innate ability for migration and invasion. A number of RDC are now approved to be applied in hematologic cancer treatment.

Our Service

With top-notched precision platforms and experienced scientists, Alfa Cytology can offer cost-effective and high-quality RDC-related services, including RDC development and analysis services for worldwide clients. We are honored to share our technology and information with you. Please contact us for more information.

For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.








  • Please note that we are not a pharmacy or clinic, so we are unable to see patients and do not offer diagnostic and treatment services for individuals.
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